GrowFund Network

What is a Funding Circle?

A Giving Circle is a donor advised fund (DAF), a tax-preferred philanthropic vehicle administered by a public charity. Organizations, families or individuals establish a DAF with an initial tax-deductible contribution to a public charity.  The contribution is invested and donors can recommend grants to qualified nonprofit organizations over time.


With a donor advised fund you can:

  • Receive an immediate tax deduction and make grants over time
  • Donate illiquid assets such as real estate and securities and use the proceeds to support multiple charities
  • Create a charitable legacy by naming successor(s) to the account
  • Nominate your own independent investment advisor to manage the assets (minimums apply)

You can make grants with as little as $25.  Your contributions to the Be Sensitive Foundation Giving Circle are tax deductible immediately.  It’s that simple

*This does not constitute tax advice and we encourage you to consult a tax-planning expert for guidance.


powered by: 

Growfund, our exclusive donor fund provider, is a community-based, game-changing charitable giving tool that transforms your contributions into a lifetime’s worth of giving for your favorite causes.  Growfund is backed by Global Impact, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and leader in growing global philanthropy.

Growfund operates like a 401(k) or your personal foundation, with your funds able to be invested and grow over time so that you can make a difference in the biggest possible way.  You can make grants with as little as $25.  And, it’s yours to keep throughout your lifetime.

A donor advised fund also provides tax advantages:

  • Control Over Timing of Tax Deduction: You can separate the timing of the tax deduction from the distribution of donation and receive tax deductions when it’s most advantageous, while continuing your philanthropy over time
  • Tax Savings on Capital Gains: If you donate appreciated assets such as securities or real estate, you may avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation*
  • Tax-Free Growth: The assets in your account appreciate tax-free

The Grow Fund Platform is designed to host Giving Circles, with customized technology that can enhance the management, communications and reporting needs of Giving Circles to transform the experience of community grant-making for all members.

You can give strategically and with impact –you can start your own funding circle account for free.