Mission Investors

The SeeMeFunded Portal is a collaboration of communities and platforms, it’s designed to service the needs of positive projects and causes that help ensure brilliant people and exceptional organizations are empowered to inspire a generation of social contributors.

Mission Investors Exchange  Invest in What Matters Most

Foundations and other impact investors combine their capital and passion to bring about positive social and environmental change in new and creative ways.
Access a Q&A on what impact investing is and how it’s used as a tool to support our communities. It’s important to remember that the Impact Investing field—along with its terminology and uses—is constantly adapting and redefining itself as practitioners learn by doing. Mission Investors Exchange, the leading network for foundations committed to impact investing, will continually revisit this page as we incorporate the perspectives of our members and evolve with the field.

Explore how investors are deploying their capital for a better world—and how you can join them.  Mission Investors